Nya bollar från Titleist
Intressant jämförelse mellan PTS SoLo och e6
Med dessa resultat i handen kan man konstatera att PTS SoLo är en underskattad boll. Det pratas mycket om Bridgestone e6 och då även som ett alternativ för spelare med lite lägre hcp. Däremot pratas det aldrig om PTS SoLo för samma grupp spelare.
Läs jämförelsen HÄR.
Note: PTS SoLo heter i USA DT SoLo
Kratrar, inte dimples
2008 års första bolltest
Månadens tema är bollar. Man har låtit göra ett bolltest med "riktiga" golfare och inte någon robot, som tydligen är fallet med den bolltest som gjort av tidningen Golf Magazine, som jag nämnt tidigare på bloggen.
Här nedan följer några av resultaten baserade på slag med en 9 graders driver, en 48 graders pitchingwedge. Svinghastighet och launchangle okänd. Nog så intressant ändå även om jag gissar att svinghastigheten i testet är högre än min med tanke på att man använt en 9 graders driver.
Jag har gulmarkerat de bollar jag tycker ser mest intressant ut, dvs en kombination av längd från tee, låg spinn från tee samt längd och hög spinn med pitchingwedge.
Vilka bollar ligger i topp? Jo, det två bollar som jag fastnade för under säsongen 2007.
Att välja boll
Jag har genom åren provat mig fram till vad som passar mig bäst. jag brukar testa en hel säsong. När jag väl valt är säsongen slut och dags att börja på ny kula (haha) nästa säsong eftersom det kommer nya modeller varje år.
Alla golfare, oavsett nivå, kan tjäna på att göra ett medvetet bollval. Sedan beror det på vad man vill att bollen ska ha för egenskaper. Gå långt, spinna mycket, kännas mjuk eller hård, vara billig osv
Jag har skrivit några inlägg på diskussionsforumet på golf.se där det handlat om vad man ska välja för boll om man har en svinghastighet på lite drygt 90 mph. Huvudfrågan har varit om man ska spela på en premiumboll med mycket spinn runt greenerna och "offra" några meter i längd eller om man ska spela med en boll som går långt, men spinner mindre runt greenerna.
Så här skrev jag:
"Under 2007 testade jag ett flertal bollar, bl a Pro V1. Jag tappade också längd med den jämfört med t ex NXT Tour. Visst är det mer bite i Pro V1 och det är ju kul, men bara de gånger man har nytta av det. Med mina längder så har jag det lite för sällan för att tjäna på att spela Pro V1. Särskilt med tanke på att jag dessutom tappar i längd. Med drivern tappar jag inte så mycket om ens något jämfört med t ex NXT, däremot tappar jag med järnen.
Jag kom fram till att NXT Tour gott räcker för mig och mitt spel. Många gånger behöver jag inte ens det lilla stopp som NXT Tour ger mig utan jag klarar mig fullt tillräckligt med det bite som finns i favoritbollen Srixon Trispeed.
Bara du själv kan avgöra om det är värt för dig att ge upp i längd för att vinna i bite. Testa dig fram och fundera över hur ditt spel ser ut. Spela sedan med den boll du anser dig trivas bäst med och som du inte lider av att skicka ut i skogen då och då."
Nästa nummer av tidningen Golf Magazine (lär dyka upp i Sverige nästa vecka) är ett riktigt bollnummer. Just nu är testresultaten som presenterats i tidningen en stor snackis på www.golfwrx.com.
Den boll som i det testet sägs ge mest för pengarna är Nike Power Distance och modellen Power Soft.
Så här säger en av dem som läst testet i Golf Magazine:
"Looks to me like the TP Red and Black are the best balls for the 90-100 SS that wants to play a premium ball. My vote for the best cheaper ball would be the Nike PD soft."
"To be honest the Nike PD Soft looks like a good ball for the money. Ranked 7th on distance and 25th on spin."
Ännu mer...
"The TP Black and Red both were hands down the best of the premiums at 90. TP Black was 259.1 and the Red 258.6. The HX hot was at 253.9 and I thought that rock was the longest ball I'd hit. Best performane and value has to be the Nike PD soft. It got 255.9 at 90, had good spin at 8800 off the wedge (beating the E6+ by 1200rpms no less) and only $15.99/dx."
Och listan:
"Top 5 balls for distance at 90 mph swing speed. 137 MPH ball speed. 13.75 degree launch angle. 2900 rpm were:
1. TM TP Black- 259.1
2. Noodle+- 259.0
3. TM TP Red- 258.6
4. NXT Extreme- 257.5
5. Nike PD Soft- 255.9"
Men tänk på:
"Even if you have 90 mph swing speed but your launch angle and spin are different than what was tested you might find out that some of the other balls would work better for you. Thats the variable here....As the article stated...You have to hit a lot of different balls to see what really works for all of your swing numbers and the type of player you are."
Det där sista är riktigt intressant och gör att man inte kan läsa sig till vilken boll som passar bäst för det egna spelet, utan man måste testa. Testerna kan ge vägledning till vilka bollar man bör prova däremot.
Jag har testat Nike Power Soft (2006) och det efter att ha läst gott om den på amerikanska forum. Bollen passade dock inte mig. Jag fick för mig att den spann för mycket för min sving. Jag fick inte ut någon längd.
Intressanta bollar att testa för den som vill premiera längd före spinn är utöver de ovan nämnda:
- Bridgestone e5+ och e6+
- Srixon Trispeed och kanske även Soft Feel och AD 333 (som jag också testat, men samma sak där=dålig längd med min sving)
- Callaway Hx Hot Bite
- Wilson Dx2 och den nya Zip
- Top Flite Gamer
Varför får inte vi vara med?
Undrar förresten vad Titleist kommer att göra med alla bilder med märkta bollar som man får in?
Vore kul att få se alla märkningar.
"The Rock Is Dead"
Något annat som bidrog till att D2-bollen blev en "snackis" är att den har "dimples-in-dimples", dvs en liten dimple i varje stor dimple. Den artikeln jag länkat till handlar om är hur denna konstruktion bidrar till att bollen går ruskigt långt, i alla fall ibland. Artikeln talar också om vi troligen kommer att få se detta dimplesmönster i Callaways dyrare bollar framöver.
Men vill man spela med en Top Flite-boll? Visst är frågan knasig, men ska jag vara riktigt ärlig så är jag fortfarande lite färgad av att Top Flite-bollarna tidigare varit så hårda. "Stenkule"-ryktet lär nog ta ett tag att komma ifrån. I USA är man dock på god väg där man talar om Top Flite D2 som "D2 TRID", där TRID står för The Rock Is Dead.
Om jag skulle ha gissat hur förhållandet var mellan de båda så skulle jag tveklöst sagt att NXT Tour '07 var den mjukare av de båda. Men ack nej. Så är det inte visade det sig:
NXT Tour '07
Skalets hårdhet: 82
Kompression: 93
NXT Tour "den gamla"
Skalets hårdhet: 80
Kompression: 84
Så konstigt! Känner mig nästan lite lurad. Lurad av GolfBallTest.org som kan ha gjort fel i sin test eller lurad av Titleist som mixat med gummiblandningen som gör att hårt känns mjukt, eller kanske lurad av mig själv som upplevt något som kanske inte är med den objektiva sanningen överensstämmande.
Kan det vara så att det är någon form av placeboeffekt som drabbat mig? Titleist kommer med en ny boll som jag tror ska vara bättre och mjukare än den gamla. Eftersom jag upplever den som bättre upplever jag den också som mjukare. Kanske, kanske är det så.
Spelar testresultaten från GolfTest.org någon roll då kan man undra? Blev NXT Tour '07 en sämre boll för mig efter att jag tagit del av dessa resultat? Nej, självklart inte. Resultaten spelar ingen som helst roll. Det är den subjektiva upplevelsen av bollen som har betydelse.
Läs om Bridgestones bollar
Bolltips för damer
Och det ska sägas, det är inte bara damer som kan spela på dessa bollar. De passar lika bra för herrar med "lite lägre" svinghastighet. Vad nu det är. Det är liksom ingen som vill tala om. Min tolkning är att låg svinghastighet är under 80 mph, medel 80-95 mph och över 95 har man hög. Ungefär.
Högt och lågt
När jag letade efter exempel var det för det första svårt att hitta exempel eftersom inte alla tillverkare skriver ut antal dimples. För det andra tyckte jag skillnaderna var små mellan låg och hög, men undantaget Srixon Distance. Det intressanta var att alla Srixons bollar beskrivs ha en hög bollbana. Även Distance.
Nåväl, något ligger det väl i detta i alla fall. Någon "där ute" kanske vet mer och kan bidra?
Några exempel:
Nike Karma; 312 dimples
Srixon AD 333; 333 dimples
Srixon Z-URC; 330 dimples
TaylorMade Tour Prefered Red; 360 dimples
Nike One Platinum; 378 dimples
Nike One Black; 336 dimples
Srixon Distance; 432 dimples
Hot Bite, en av flera heta nyheter från Callaway
Inte minst denna boll:
"HX Hot Bite Golf Ball - This technologically advanced golf ball features a softer, high-resiliency core and ionomer boundary layer that combine to offer exceptional feel. The softer, thinner proprietary cover gives the ball soft feel and generates extra stopping power for phenomenal short-game control to go along with drag-reducing HEX Aerodynamics for a highly efficient and long, stable ball flight."
Nya bollar från TaylorMade 2008
"The 75-compression count makes Burner TP arguably the softest Tour ball available in the market."
December 6, 2007 (from Press Release) - The TaylorMade-adidas Golf company has introduced six new golf ball models engineered to promote longer distance and better performance for a broad spectrum of player types. For the first time, four ball models will carry the TaylorMade® name and all will feature a new proprietary aerodynamic technology called Low Drag Performance, which promotes improved distance on the most common types of off-center driver hits.?We?re proud to offer golfers this great selection of new balls,? said Mike Ferris, vice president of TaylorMade?s golf ball division. ?We?ve worked hard to prove that TaylorMade is a golf ball company as well as a golf club company. The superior performance of these products is proof of that. Our Tour Staff professionals raved about the performance of these balls during testing. We?re confident that recreational golfers will be just as impressed.??We analyzed more than 80,000 swings and found that there are a significant amount of off-center hits for players of every handicap level. With Low Drag Performance, we?ve designed a technology that keeps the ball in the air longer by maintaining lift and reducing the drag, or resistance against the ball in flight,? said Dean Snell, senior director of research and development for TaylorMade and Maxfli. ?Through our research we were able to create performance benefits for players who have driver spin rates from 1,000 to 3,000 rpm, compared to previously when we fit balls to match 2,500 to 3,000 rpm. So we?ve created a ball that works for a wider range of players.? TaylorMade® balls are played by more than 120 tour pros around the world including Sergio Garcia, Justin Rose, Retief Goosen, Sean O?Hair, Fred Funk, Darren Clarke, Hale Irwin and Natalie Gulbis*. Now TaylorMade is introducing three new tour category balls: the new Tour Preferred Red, Tour Preferred Black and Burner® TP. Each has been tested by tour professionals and will be played on tour.
TaylorMade?s new Tour Preferred Red is a four-piece ball designed for higher spin players who want the ultimate in tour performance. Its four components include 1) NdV4 core, consisting of an advanced neodymium compound that delivers faster ball speed to promote more distance; 2) Distance Mantle, consisting of a copolymer compound that boosts COR and initial velocity to further enhance speed and distance; 3) Feel Mantle, consisting of an elastomeric compound that allows this ball to deliver 15% softer feel than the original TP Red, while also enhancing spin control; and 4) Cast Thermoset Urethane Cover, which is the tour standard for predictable spin and supreme shear-resistance.
Tour Preferred Red?s 360-dimple pattern promotes a mid-to-low flight, and also incorporates TaylorMade?s proprietary Low Drag Performance (LDP) aerodynamics to promote improved distance on the most common driver mis-hits, which occur on the upper portion of the clubface. LDP was developed to help golfers achieve longer average driving distance.
Additionally, Tour Preferred Red is engineered to promote especially high speed and distance off the driver; to deliver controllable full-shot and greenside spin; and to be exceptionally resistant to the effects of head winds and crosswinds.
The new TaylorMade Tour Preferred Red balls will be available nationwide at TaylorMade?s retail partners starting on January 1, 2008 with an expected retail price of $39.99.
TaylorMade?s new Tour Preferred Black is a three-piece ball designed for lower spin players who want soft feel, fast ball speed, increased distance and tour-caliber spin. Its three components include 1) NdV4 core, consisting of an advanced neodymium compound that delivers faster ball speed to promote more distance; 2) Distance Mantle, consisting of a copolymer compound that boosts COR and initial velocity to further enhance speed and distance; and 3) Cast Thermoset Urethane Cover, which is the tour standard for predictable spin and supreme shear-resistance.
Tour Preferred Black?s 360-dimple pattern promotes a mid-to-high flight, and also incorporates TaylorMade?s proprietary Low Drag Performance (LDP) aerodynamics to promote improved distance on the most common driver mis-hits, which occur on the upper portion of the clubface. LDP was developed to help golfers achieve longer average driving distance.
Additionally, Tour Preferred Black is engineered to promote especially high speed and distance off the driver; to deliver higher full-shot and greenside spin; and to be exceptionally resistant to the effects of head winds and crosswinds.
The new TaylorMade Tour Preferred Black balls will be available nationwide at TaylorMade?s retail partners starting on January 1, 2008 with an expected retail price of $39.99.
For Players Who Love to Bomb It: Burner® TP and Burner®
There?s a certain segment of golfers who love to swing big, hard and fast. Who take special joy in going after the ball. For them, TaylorMade created the Burner TP and Burner golf balls.
The Burner® TP ball employs advanced three-piece construction to combine outstanding distance, tour-caliber bite and soft feel. Vital to Burner TP?s performance is its HPF 1000 SpeedMantle® which teams with the high-energy / low compression core to limit spin off the driver, and which also teams with the IothaneTM cover to increase spin off the short irons ? providing the most spin on approach shots of any TaylorMade ball. Iothane is itself a small miracle, being soft and durable while also promoting excellent spin. The 75-compression count makes Burner TP arguably the softest Tour ball available in the market.
Burner TP also employs a 342-dimple version of TaylorMade?s new Low Drag Performance (LDP) pattern to promote improved distance on the most common driver mis-hits, which occur on the upper portion of the clubface. LDP was developed to help golfers achieve longer average driving distance.
The new Burner TP balls will be available nationwide at TaylorMade?s retail partners starting on January 1, 2008 with an expected retail price of $24.99.
The new Burner® ball is engineered to deliver all of the performance qualities that the Burner name is known for, namely fast speed, tremendous distance and terrific feel. Inside is the V-Core, a large, power-packed sphere that promotes ultra-fast ball velocity, even though the ball itself measures a super-soft 60 on the compression meter. Outside is an Iothane cover that?s feels so soft at impact you?ll think it?s balata, yet it?s also incredibly durable and shear-resistant.
Additionally, the Burner incorporates TaylorMade?s proprietary Low Drag Performance (LDP) aerodynamics to promote improved distance on the most common driver mis-hits, which occur on the upper portion of the clubface. LDP was developed to help golfers achieve longer average driving distance.
?We like to say that our new Burner ball is designed to deliver distance for players who want more of it, who never had it, who had it but lost it, and for those who love to swing big and launch it deep,? said Ferris. ?We believe that its soft fast core, combined with the positive effects of LDP technology, will really help add to the distance of a golfer?s average drive. Yet not only is it incredibly long off every club, it also feels incredibly soft on pitches, chips and putts. It?s a distance ball that boasts the incredible feel of a balata-covered ball.?
The new Burner ball will be available nationwide at TaylorMade?s retail partners starting on January 1, 2008 with an expected retail price of $19.99.
Noodle+ has been fortified. It?s engineered to be longer by 10 yards and softer by 29% compared to the previous Noodle. Its two-piece construction includes the new Impact Propulsion Core, which stores energy with greater efficiency and releases it with greater energy. That equals higher ball speed and softer feel. Part of the reason the core is so soft is due to the Iothane cover, which feels and sound amazingly soft, yet its muscular construction gives it first-rate durability and shear-resistance.
The new Noodle+ will be available nationwide at TaylorMade?s retail partners starting on January 1, 2008 with an expected retail price of $15.99.
The newest Noodle is the Noodle+ Lady, a two-piece ball created specifically to appeal to women and to perform better for women. On the inside is the soft and fast Live-Action Core that?s engineered to compress easily at moderate swing speeds and to spring off the clubface high and fast to promote increased distance. Outside is the Iothane 56 cover that also contributes to this ball?s soft feel, while likewise delivering the durability and shear-resistance that today?s golfers insist on. Plus, highlights embedded in the cover material create a subtle yet diamond-like sparkle and shine.
?The new Noodle+ promotes dynamic distance off every club, yet feels incredibly soft. It combines the yardage of a distance ball with the super-soft feel of a balata-covered ball, an achievement that we?re extremely proud of,? said Snell. ?Noodle+ Lady?s lively two-piece construction and high-lift dimple design promote longer distance compared to other ?women?s balls.? All in all it delivers a significantly better and more satisfying ball-striking experience for women golfers.?
The new Noodle+ Lady will be available nationwide at TaylorMade?s retail partners starting on January 1, 2008 with an expected retail price of $15.99.
Callaway- och Top Flite-bollar 2008
November 29, 2007 (from Press Release) - Callaway Golf Company (NYSE:ELY) today announced its 2008 product lineup. With more than 30 new offerings from the Callaway, Odyssey and Top-Flite brands, the lineup represents the most extensive new product initiative in the Company?s history.
The 2008 Callaway golf ball lineup includes:
Tour i and ix Golf Balls - The new Tour i Golf Ball is the most technologically advanced tour ball ever developed - incorporating perimeter weighting to increase the ball?s MOI. Innovative 4-piece inertia technology utilizes a tungsten-infused outer core to shift weight away from the center of the ball, reducing driver spin for maximum distance and straighter shots, and a softer inner core for unparalleled tour feel. The softer urethane cover generates more short-game spin for precision control and aggressive shot-making and refined HEX Aerodynamics further increase distance by reducing drag. The Tour ix shares the same technology with a slightly firmer construction for more explosive distance. ($44.99 per dozen)
HX Hot Bite? Golf Ball - This technologically advanced golf ball features a softer, high-resiliency core and ionomer boundary layer that combine for exceptional feel. The softer, thinner proprietary cover gives the ball soft feel and generates extra stopping power for phenomenal short-game control to go along with drag-reducing HEX aerodynamics for a highly efficient and long, stable ball flight. ($29.99 per dozen)
NEW HX Pearl® Golf Ball - The new 3-piece HX Pearl Golf Ball is longer and softer than the original version. The softer rubber core boosts distance for golfers with moderate swing speeds and HEX Aerodynamics reduces drag for long, efficient ball flight. With a thin ionomer cover that features a pearlized finish for a rich, unique look, it?s the perfect ball to complement a woman?s game. ($24.99 per dozen)
The 2008 Top-Flite golf ball lineup includes:
Top-Flite Gamer? Golf Balls - Top-Flite takes the benefits of its proprietary Dimple in Dimple? aerodynamics and puts it on a 3-piece performance golf ball that?s long, soft and generates more short-game spin for total tee-to-green control. The thin soft ionomer cover over a firm boundary layer and a highly resilient rubber core gives golfers a ball that performs like no other in the Top-Flite lineup. ($19.99 per dozen)
Top-Flite Freak? Golf Balls - The Freak is the longest Top-Flite golf ball available. Period. Its unique aerodynamic surface maintains spin longer throughout its flight, allowing the ball to hold its line and maintain lift longer. Perfect for scramble tournaments, reaching par 5s in two and out-driving your foursome. ($15.99 per dozen)
Top-Flite XL 5000? Golf Balls - Three new XL 5000 models replace one of the most successful Top-Flite balls ever, the XL 3000. The new version provides all the XL distance you expect from a Top-Flite ball with enhanced softness and feel. The XL 5000 Super Long has a firmer cover for maximum distance, the Super Soft has a thin cover and lower compression core that provide better feel with more short-game spin for total control around the greens, and the Super Straight uses a special Slickote® coating to help reduce hooks and slices. ($12.99 per 15-pack)
All prices are Retail Introductory Price. New products will become available at all authorized Callaway Golf retailers and at www.Shop.Callawaygolf.com beginning this month and through the first quarter of 2008.
"Tack Nike!"
Något i den stilen tänker eller säger sägert Tiger efter sin öppning i Target World Challenge.
Tiger byter boll
Tiger Woods puts New Nike ONE Ball with Power Transfer Technology in Play at Target World Challenge
-Nike Golf's Power Transfer Technology Improves Distance in Metal Woods, Long Irons and Off-Center Hits-
BEAVERTON, Ore. (December 13, 2007) - Nike Golf is introducing new innovative technology called the Power Transfer Layer Technology to its successful ONE Ball series. Nike's Power Transfer Layer Technology promotes increased distance in metal woods, long irons and off-center hits.
Tiger Woods, the number one player in the world, will put the new Nike Golf technology to test this week at the Target World Challenge by playing with the Nike ONE Platinum ball.
"With the new power transfer layer, you do hit the ball a little further. It compresses better," said Tiger Woods. "The thing that I like about it is that you do hit the ball further but you don't give up the workability of the golf ball. You can still curve it. You can still change trajectories just as easy as before. The only difference is that now you're hitting it further, which is the beauty of it. You can still have the control you had before but with more distance."
The new Nike Power Transfer Layer technology, with its thick advanced polymer located inside the mantle layer, increases ball speed and generates power and energy to ensure enhanced distance for a wider range of clubs in the bag. Both the Nike ONE Platinum and Nike ONE Black feature the Power Transfer Technology.
"We set out to create a golf ball that benefits the golfer at their fullest potential. In other words, a golf ball that promotes distance with more clubs in the bag - not just the driver," said Rock Ishii, Nike Golf's Product Development Director for Balls. "The Power Transfer Layer allows the natural power of a golfer's swing to directly transfer at the moment of impact, improving ball speed and increasing distance. The better the transfer, the more power is generated."
The Nike ONE Platinum has been reengineered for longer distance, enhanced control and workability. Its progressive density core provides a superior feel and longer distance. An optimized inner cover enhances mid-iron control and workability. The Nike ONE Platinum has a newly designed 378 dimple pattern with redesigned aerodynamics for added carry and longer distance. Combined with the new Power Transfer Technology and the multi-component construction and softened urethane cover, Nike ONE Platinum redefines total performance.
The Nike ONE Black has been reengineered to maximize distance, improve accuracy and greenside response. Its progressive density core offers enhanced feel and reduced spin for longer, more accurate distance off the tee. For exceptional flight consistency and responsiveness with all clubs, the Nike ONE Black has a seamless urethane cover. The Nike ONE Black has a high coverage of 336 dimple pattern that optimizes aerodynamics and reduces drag for a more penetrating flight.
Emblematic of the Power Transfer Layer Technology that is red inside the mantle layer, is the red ring that Nike Golf Athletes will be wearing on the side of their hats.
The Nike ONE Platinum and Nike ONE Black will be available in stores on February 1, 2008 for a suggested retail price of $56.00.
Nya bollar för damer
Nu har man lanserat en ny serie för damer:
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Och de herrar som inte vill eller vågar spela på en damboll ska spela på denna:
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Hur gör man en golfboll?
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"One Vision"
Hur som helst, det jag skulle skriva om senare var dessa bollar. Nu blir det inget inlägg senare utan det blir ett kortare nu istället. Bollarna heter Vision. Och för den som kan Queens repertoar vet att de gjorde en låt 1985 som heter just "One Vision". Vilket sammanträffande...
Häftiga bollar. Lite biljardboll över dem på något sätt. Vitsen med dem lär vara de stora siffrorna och att de gula lyser genom att skalet har upp UV-ljuset. På något sätt.
Läs mer HÄR.